What do you do with the stones that come your way?
I'll cite some situations and see if it fits in one or some of them:
Some, when they walk along the road called "life" (which may include everything here or subdivided into professional, affective, academic, family, social, etc.), when they come across a small stone, do not perceive it, do not give because of their value or do not even see it and inadvertently tread on it causing tremendous discomfort and depending on the place of the foot that is hit, causing a pain that will take hours or days to pass. Others, attentive to their footsteps and the path traveled, in the joy of this walk, use the stone to entertain or interact with the landscape around them: or kick the stone like a small ball, or catch it and throw away, who you know, in a big lake where you will generate small and beautiful waves ... But if you kicked the stone, you might find it a little further down the road, where you will have a new opportunity to kick it, keep it there or, distractedly , step on it.
Some, on the same walk, may find a small stone, as if stuck in the ground, and stumble in it causing a pain in the foot (possibly the big toe), not to mention some scrapes scattered around the body originated by the fall. Others, relatively attentive to their walk, go and kick her but do not initially realize that she is lying on the ground and injure her foot, taking away all the serenity and lightness that led them along the way here. Still others, in curiosity, try to dig it up. But as they try to dig up, they may realize that this "pebble" is only an apparent part of a large rock or rock. Hence, some of them keep trying to dig it up, getting tired unnecessarily and straying from the focus of their walk. Others, however, only deviate from it, understanding that this stone or rock must remain there: buried.
Some, on their road, find large blocks of rock that make the path more difficult to pass, having to make detours, making the route more sinuous. Still some people take advantage and sit in these blocks and there they are "resting" or still, lamenting for having appeared such blocks in the way leading them to understand that there is the end of the way. There are still those who begin to pick up the blocks and begin to pile them in front of them and without realizing it, are forming a huge wall, preventing them from continuing the walk and also from seeing on the other side.
Ah! ... But there are those others who spend an extra effort one by one, taking such blocks out of the way, stacking them on the side of the road and, conscious or unaware of it, are not only making their way free, but also the way of those who come behind. And as you look to the side, you will see that the pile of stacked blocks looks more like a great altar, a monument, a landmark, so that every time they themselves or others pass by, remember the great achievement and thank God!
Is that you? What are you doing with the stones that come your way?
May the AUXILIARY GOD be with you and still more in you, today and in all your days!